Indoor Transformations, Design Updates Potomac MD


We believe there is a better way to complete pre-listing updates, and we’ve proven it! Now you can experience a simple, streamlined home improvement solution that eliminates the stress of getting homes market-ready.

All homes need updates and repairs before going on the market, but the traditional improvement process is slow, unreliable, and can be risky when a home transaction is on the line.

Fix First, Pay Later
Homeowners pay nothing until their home sells. No fees or interest.

A modern home improvement experience that gets you to listing 60% faster with full transparency and peace-of-mind.

Turnkey Concierge
Your dedicated Curbio team takes care of every detail, saving you hours and hassles.

Kitchen Updates
Because kitchens are a focal point for both homeowners and home buyers (and HGTV shows for that matter), they result in high returns on investment for sellers, happy buyers, and referrals for Realtors®. Updating a kitchen to attract buyers doesn’t always warrant a complete remodel. We’ll work with the homeowner and agent to determine the best level of updating to attract buyers and maximize profit.

Bathroom Updates
Due to changes in human behavior and the self-care trend, bathrooms are an increasingly important factor in home buying and selling. From bathroom repairs to bathroom remodels, you should consider if updating or adding a bathroom will help you sell your home for more.

Our Work

Contact Us

Address: 11325 Seven Locks Rd Suite 290, Potomac, MD 20854
Phone: (844) 944-2629

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